Best outdoor toys are the ones that get you moving and that can be played by everyone. Here are some outdoor toys that will encourage you to go out and get some sun and exercise.

10 Outdoor Games And Toys For Kids Of All Ages
1. Bouncy House
You are never too old to bounce away with your friends in a bouncy house. Once you grow up, you are not allowed inside these in funfairs and parties. So get your own and invite people your age group to enjoy this childhood fun.
2.Sand Toys Set
Go to the beach with your new sand toys kit and make your dream castle in the sand. Gone are the days where you just make a mountain of sand or dig a little with your hands or write your name on the sand. Get a kit and unleash your imagination.
3. Slip and Slide
Sliding away on slip and slide will never not be fun no matter what your age is or who you are with. You will see the people fighting over who gets to go next on this slide. Make sure to add a bumper for kids for safe landing and make sure to remove the bumper for adults so that you can have extra fun on how dramatically someone slid after the slide’s end
4. Water Guns
It is best to keep water guns so you can play with it outside in summer with cold water to cool down. Another reason we all know why we need water guns isthat there comes a time for revenge against the neighbors and this is the most harmless and fun way to get even.
5. Frisbees
Frisbee is a great game to get some exercise and sunlight. It will keep the kids occupied for hours on end and it can be taken to a beach with your friends as well. Frisbees never get old and it is a must-have toy for every household.
6. Water Balloons
These outdoor toys need no explanation. Get some balloons and challenge your neighbor to a water balloon competition. The good news is that none is a loser and everybody wins in this game.
7. Dodgeball
Playing Dodgeball is so common because there are not many rules or any techniques you need to learn before you can start playing. You can learn Dodgeball in a minute and be ready to have some fun. It is fun for all age groups as well. The older you are, the more brutal the game gets for you.
8.Inflatable Kiddie Pool
There are amazing kiddie pools in the market with climbing walls, slides, and a bucket that pours on your head when you are climbing up. There is a huge splash pool for adults to sit in while the children enjoy the slides. Don’t worry! The slides are not just for the kids.

Inflatable Kiddie Pool
9.Foam Blaster Guns
When it is too cold outside and getting wet by playing with water guns is not an option, this is a nice dry option to stay in and still get some exercise. It is also a nice way to resolve conflict in the house.
10. Tent House
Get a tent that is big enough to move easily around and pretend to camp out in the wild while putting up camp in the backyard. Grill some food and make a fire for extra effect. Use the weekend to teach your kids about surviving in the outdoors or tell them stories about your childhood while stargazing outside the tent. Sometimes everyone needs their alone time in their pillow fort or ‘man cave’ and this can be a nice substitute.