Plants thrive well in warm, moist conditions so when it is winter time and the temperature drops several degrees, how do you care for your beloved plants? Surprisingly there are easy ways to help your plant survive the cool season and with your help, they can adjust to the change in temperature in no time! First of all, you should consider the plants you buy. Not a lot of plants can survive the changing seasons especially if they are indigenous to tropical regions. The chances of their survival would be slim to none without your consistent care and attention. Without further ado, here are ways to help your plant survive this winter.

How To Help Your Plants Live This Winter
Change Your Water Schedule
This is one of the first steps you can do to help your plant survive the freezing temperatures. Plants prefer to be watered when their soil is dry which tends to happen every other day during winter. Overwatering plants is an absolute no-no, so it is best to let go of your watering schedule for now. To check if the soil is dry, check 2 inches below the surface. If it’s dry, then your plant buddy is in need of refreshments.
Provide Humidity
Do you notice your skin becoming dry and flaky during winter? You can blame the dry air for that, which is pretty much abundant when it is cold. The air lacks moisture and your plants, like your skin, craves for it. Watering your plant doesn’t give it the moisture it needs so you might want to buy a humidifier for your plant. If this is too much, place a shallow tray of water near your plant. Placing a plant mister, like fern, near your plant can also help.
Help It See The Light
The sunlight, that is. Just like us plants also long for the warm rays of the sun during winter. The days during this time of the year tend to be shorter, giving us longer nights. Consider moving your plant near a spot of your home that lets sunlight shine through, keeping in mind the plant’s sun requirements. Another thing you should also take into consideration is draft.

Help It See The Light
Avoid Drafty Places
Plants are finicky creatures and won’t do well in places that have fluctuating temperatures, such as near the doorway. It also won’t thrive when it is placed on top of the radiator. Placing the plants by the window might seem like a good idea (because of the sunlight) but these are pretty drafty places.
They Need Heat
It’s winter and most likely you have plans of going on a short trip. Typically you’d turn everything off to save on electricity but there are risks for doing so. For one thing, you’d be going home to freezing pipes (yikes!) when it comes to your plants, you’ll find yourself coming home and discovering that your plants have died. Most plants will slow down their growth to adjust to dropping temperatures but to make them happy, keep your home around 50 to 60 degrees.
Taking care of plants isn’t as cut-dried as we think it is. There are risks and nuances we must be aware of so we can keep taking care of these beautiful creatures for many years to come. Having indoor plants is beneficial for you and your family because air quality will be better. Indoor plants also upgrade your living spaces, giving your interior design that much-needed boost of style and pizzazz. If you are a beginner, go for plants that are relatively easy to maintain such as succulents. These are hardy plants that are easy to arrange anywhere in your home.