Winter is widely considered a time to stay indoors and under the covers as much as possible. However, rather than spend the winter stagnant, you could try out these top winter sports instead! While some winter sports such as polocrosse would require participants to have a horse, finding appropriate winter activities can often be somewhat tricky. These top 3 winter sports are perfectly suitable for any expert level and any age group.

Top 3 Winter Sports To Try
#1 Ice Hockey
Ice hockey is undeniably one of the most adrenalin-packed sports around. You will require some basic ice skating abilities to give the fast-paced sport a try, although, once you manage to grasp the rules and rush of the game you will likely become a die-hard ice hockey fan. Regardless of the frigid temperatures of the playing field, you will be able to find ice hockey leagues all over the country for men, women, and even children. This means a lack of initial skill and hockey knowledge will not be a deal-breaker, although, once you move your way up in skill and expertise, professional ice hockey is definitely not for the faint of heart.
#2 Cross Country Running
If you are less of a team player, yet still hoping to find a sport that will keep you fit, cross country running is perfect for cold weather. Cross country running competitions are held right through autumn and winter for both individual runners and teams. Running long distances will help you build up your physical strength and endurance. The cold weather makes for the most suitable running conditions as there will be less chance of dehydrating during competitions. To start off, it would be wise to settle for shorter distance courses, such as 5km cross country runs. Cardio is a fantastic exercise that will provide several impressive benefits, which include enhanced heart health. Therefore, there is no reason to be keeping yourself indoors and under the cover this winter!
#3 Squash
Squash is an incredibly popular sport as countless participants enjoy the thrills of the game all year round. Because squash courts are usually indoors, cold weather will not be an impacting factor at all. If you are hoping to find a sport that will enhance your physical strength, endurance, and also stimulate your mental function, squash is perfectly suitable. Because squash has earned the nickname “physical chess,” you will be utilizing strategies and burning calories all at the same time. Boosted mental focus and physical fitness can be expected for those who regularly participate in the intense sport.