If you don’t know, the world’s most popular beverage is coffee, and there are some dire facts that you should know. The primary reason behind this is the significant presence of antioxidants and various other nutrients along it. These beneficial nutrients are responsible for offering you a healthy lifestyle. Many studies showcase the reports claiming that the people who drink coffee regularly in controlled amounts have lower chances of getting any critical disease. In this blog, we will discuss a few benefits that you will get, and if someone is trying to keep you away from a daily dose of happiness, you can quote this blog to bust their myth that caffeine is harmful.

Why Must You Drink A Cup Of Coffee Per Day Here Are A Few Facts
Enhance The Energy Levels
As you drink a cup of coffee, you will feel an instant boost in your energy levels, and you will also find yourself more innovative and efficient while working. It is solely due to the presence of the most consumed psychoactive substance, i.e., caffeine. Various studies indicate that putting caffeine in your bloodstream and eventually to the brain will offer better vigilance, mood, reaction speed, boosted energy levels, memory, and more.
Helpful In Burning Fat
If you look at any supplement that is focused on burning body fat, you will find caffeine in it. There is nothing wrong with it as it will be one of the very few natural resources/ingredients that are used in helping the body to burn its unnecessary fat. A few studies in the public domain show that caffeine will also enhance metabolism by 3% to 11%.
Rich In Nutrients
A majority of nutrients present in the coffee beans are easily transferred to the final brewed coffee, and you might ask what these nutrients are, we are here to tell you. A regular cup of coffee will contain multiple vitamins such as B2, B3, B5, along with a good amount of potassium and manganese. The nutrients through which these vitamins are present are riboflavin, magnesium, niacin, and more.
A Protection From Alzheimer’s
Among various forms of dementia diseases, Alzheimer’s is the one that tops the list. The disease generally affects everyone above 65 years, and there is yet no cure found for it. However, there are few lifestyle changes that you can adopt to avert the chances of getting it. The common factors are taking a regular proper diet along with daily workouts. One factor that you might not know is coffee, and there are a few studies that show people who drink coffee have a 65% lesser chance of suffering from Alzheimer’s.
Provide Liver Protection
Among various body functions, the liver is the one that will be responsible for a lot of them. A majority of the diseases primarily affect the liver, such as hepatitis, fatty liver, etc. If not given attention, the condition can grow into cirrhosis, and in such cases, your liver will become just scar tissue. Caffeine has shown some promising results, and multiple studies suggest that if you are drinking more than 3 cups a day, you will lower the risk of any liver disease by a whopping 80%.

Provide Liver Protection
Also Fights Depression
If you know the gravity of depression, you must understand how drastically it can bring the quality of your life down and you will find it next to impossible to get out of. There are a few studies done quite a while ago where the women who were drinking 4 and more cups of coffee a day had an almost 20% lower chance of getting depressed.