All of us are trying to find food items rich in nutrients and can help us in the journey of keeping our bodies fit. The primary factor that comes as a hindrance in our fitness journey is our tight schedule. Generally, we find it relatively easy to skip our workout in case there is something that comes up. We are not highly aware of the importance of our physical and mental health. In a world where everyone is struggling with stress, we tend to ignore that our mental peace is highly impacted by our physical health. The amount of physical activity we do daily will be directly proportional to our mental stability. There are various health benefits that you will get once you include healthy food items in your diet. While you are deciding the food options, there are high chances that you will get easily confused. There is also a belief that a healthy diet will not always be delicious. We are happy to bust it for you. In this blog, we will discuss a few suitable ones for you.

Get A Few Healthy Foods To Keep Your Body Fit Top 5 Options
There are high chances that you are one of those struggling to bring their cholesterol levels in control. Oatmeal is the perfect option for them, and it will also help avoid several heart diseases. The presence of soluble fiber will allow you to stay full till lunch. It’s the perfect item that I’d recommend you to have for breakfast. You can add a few more nutrient-rich items, such as olive oil, parmesan, or try this meal paired with poached eggs & spinach.
If you are aware of the factors responsible for your healthy body, there are high chances that you know about the good and bad kinds of cholesterol. The ‘good one’ is called HDL, and the bad ones are called LDL. Walnuts will help you in maintaining a perfect balance between the two. It is due to the high presence of omega-3 type fatty acid. To get yourself an ideal snack, we recommend pairing a few walnuts with anise seeds and dried figs. You will get the taste of anise seeds.
Greek Yogurt
This food item is exceptionally rich in probiotics that are directly responsible for the digestion process. It will also be responsible for improving the overall immunity of your body. Compared to the yogurt, this one is a bit thicker and will also have +8 grams of protein. To make it a more delicious dish, we recommend pairing it up with chopped cucumber, cilantro, ground cumin, and garlic. All done, now serve it with garlic chicken.
This fruit is also put in the category of super-fruit. A wide range of fibers will make it one of the best antioxidants that you can find. The best way to serve it is with frozen yogurt, and to enhance the taste, we would recommend adding a pinch of cardamom. You will also have the option of creating a lemonade and serving it chilled.

If you also believe that eggs’ yellow part isn’t suitable for your body, we would say there is no need to skip them altogether wholly. The white part does have a more significant share of protein, and the calorie count also remains relatively low. The yolk is exceptionally rich in vitamin A and B12. They will also have a good amount of choline, a substance quite suitable for pregnant women.