You might have heard everyone saying that it’s impossible to stay happy all the time, we hope you haven’t believed it. Different parameters are responsible for keeping everyone happy, and the factor that is working fine for someone else might not work for you. For you, it might be living alone to stay satisfied, and for someone else, it might be living with their best friends. It can also be the moment you get to pursue the dream you have always had for yourself. No matter your definition of truly happy, it can always be achieved without much hassle. All you need to do is bring some positive changes in the lifestyle, and you will find yourself in a much better position. In this blog, we will discuss a few habits that will definitely help you stay happy without any need to desperately look for them.

Tips To Keep Yourself Happy And Joyful
There is a misconception that a physical workout is only for the body. Once you include it in your routine, you will find yourself getting rid of quite a lot of stress, and if you are facing the symptoms of anxiety and depression, these emotions will be replaced gradually by self-esteem and pure bliss. We don’t recommend that you enroll for a heavy workout session; all you require is a daily walk with a 5-minute daily stretching routine.
Deep Breathing
All of us have gone through the feeling of ‘losing it all,’ and the stress can literally be felt on the shoulders. The first instinct will most probably tell you to breathe deeply. You will find significant change and will instantly feel better. The steps you can add to it are to close your eyes and imagine yourself in the moment/scene that can make you the happiest, breathe in slowly through your nose, and breathe out at the same pace through your nose or mouth. You can repeat it 5-6 times or until you are in a relaxed position.
Smile More
There are high chances that you only smile when you are in a happy moment. However, you should know that smiling is not a one-way street. When we smile, our body releases the dopamine hormone that eventually makes us happier. By that, we are not saying that you continuously keep a fake smile on your face, but you can use this trick whenever you are feeling low.
Sleep Enough
The society we are living in intends to force us to believe that less sleep is what we need. We would highly recommend against it as to get the best health. You will require an adequate amount of sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep, your brain functions and overall well-being will have a huge impact. For an average adult, 7-8 hours of sleep is essential. Also, make sure that you are sticking to a schedule and getting up at the same time daily. You should also completely eliminate any screen time at least an hour before going to bed

Sleep Enough
Step Into The Nature
We can understand the busy schedule, and that’s why it’s more important to unplug and step out into the real world. Find at least a 30-minute window in a week and get somewhere in the greens. Not only will it help you with better dealing with depression, but it will also normalize the blood pressure levels. To get even more enhanced results, you can pair this outing with a workout session. This green space can be your backyard garden or any nearby park that you can find in your neighborhood.