The Number 237 Makes An Appearance
Stephen King is known for weaving subtle Easter eggs throughout his stories, creating connections between his works. One intriguing detail he often includes is the number 237. Director Frank Darabont paid homage to this in the film adaptation of The Shawshank Redemption, when the guards shout, “Open 237!” before interrogating Red about Andy’s escape. The number 237 also appears as the infamous room in The Shining and matches the amount of change the boys have in Stand By Me. These recurring nods showcase King’s talent for crafting an interconnected universe that keeps fans intrigued.

The Number 237 Makes An Appearance
Red’s Past
In the film, when Andy asks Red why he’s in Shawshank, Red simply replies, “I committed murder.” While his backstory remains largely ambiguous in the movie, the novella provides much greater insight. It reveals that Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding is serving three life sentences for the deaths of his wife, his neighbor’s wife, and his neighbor’s son. Red had tampered with the brakes on his wife’s car, intending to stage an accident and collect the insurance payout. Tragically, he hadn’t foreseen that his neighbor’s wife and son would also be in the car when the brakes failed.

Red’s Past