Changing The Title
Stephen King’s novella was originally titled Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, but the name was later shortened to The Shawshank Redemption. The change was made to avoid confusion in Hollywood, as many believed the film was a biopic about the life of actress Rita Hayworth. In fact, before the title was revised, director Frank Darabont received audition requests from actresses and supermodels eager to portray Hayworth. Ironically, Rita Hayworth only appears in the story when the inmates watch her classic film Gilda.

Changing The Title
Not Entirely A Real Jail
While the interior of Shawshank Prison appears strikingly authentic, it’s not a real prison. The iconic exterior scenes were filmed at the abandoned Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield. However, the interiors of the reformatory were too deteriorated to be used. Instead, many interior scenes were recreated on sound stages, as building sets proved more cost-effective than attempting to restore the decaying prison. The result? A seamless illusion that completely fooled us!

Not Entirely A Real Jail