Matt Damon – New York, $16.7 Million
Matt Damon, born in 1970, is an incredibly versatile actor, capable of playing very different roles with great skill. Among his most famous films are undoubtedly those in the Jason Bourne saga, which have kept millions of fans in suspense. With a wealth of $170 million, accumulated through his acting career, Damon decided to buy a mansion with a breathtaking view in Brooklyn, which cost him $16.7 million.

Matt Damon – New York, $16.7 Million
George Lucas -California, $100 million
In 1974, famed filmmaker George Lucas purchased the Skywalker Ranch, a vast property of about 1900 acres located in Marin County, California. It is estimated that he spent about $100 million to renovate it over the years. Today, specific details about the property are kept secret, but what is known is that it includes numerous buildings, including a 300-plus-seat movie theater, a two-story library, an outdoor swimming pool, a 200-space underground parking garage, and a lush garden. In addition, the property also houses a vineyard and, surprisingly, a fire station. In short, George Lucas has practically purchased an entire country!
George Lucas -California, $100 Million